Liberator Ltd
Our Mission: Enable individuals with speech and language impairments to successfully communicate and interact in their environment.
Our Method: Provide products and services that promote success for individuals who use AAC, their families and their support teams.
Our Manner: Treat everyone with whom we interact with the highest respect.
Our Customers - Liberator’s philosophy is “our customer’s success is our success”. For most of us the power of speech is taken for granted but not being able to communicate verbally is usually a major obstacle in achieving full potential in educational, vocational, and personal pursuits. We believe everyone deserves a voice and our mission to help our clients achieve their full potential in life. Our assistive technology solutions focus on language development and support independent and spontaneous communication to enrich lives.
Our Products - Our communication aids support a wide range of language solutions including Unity, easyChat, The Grid, WordPower and text-based systems, are highly flexible, easy to program and backed by unrivalled warranty and support packages.
Our Team - We take great pride in helping our customers achieve their full potential. Our regionally based consultants have unrivalled AAC experience and our dedicated Customer Support team will provide you with all the help you need for product evaluation, assessment, trial and implementation to ensure communication success.
Our Company - Liberator Ltd was established in 1991 and is a subsidiary company of the PRC-Saltillo (Ohio, USA) who also own Liberator Communications Canada. As well as operating in the UK, Liberator Ltd provide AAC solutions and support around the World through our subsidiary companies in Germany (Prentke Romich Deutschland) and Australia (Liberator Pty Ltd) along with distributors in many other countries.