Hamilton School for the Deaf

At Hamilton School for the Deaf, we set high expectations for learners, encouraging each child/ young person to achieve academically, develop independence and to contribute positively within their communities. This requires a child centred and flexible approach so that individual needs are identified and supported. Our best resource is our highly skilled staff which consists of a Headteacher with the mandatory qualification and leadership and management qualifications, qualified Teachers of Deaf Children and Young People, a specialist Early Years Practitioner for deaf learners working in our nursery full time and specialist Support Staff, all with BSL skills. We work collaboratively with our families and other appropriate agencies to plan, implement, and evaluate support and celebrate success! We strive to provide a wide range of experiences to promote responsible citizens, effective contributors, successful learners and confident individuals.
Hamilton School for the Deaf is in the unique position of sharing a campus with our mainstream colleagues within Glenlee Primary School . Hamilton School for the Deaf has three departments, nursery, primary and outreach. There is a flexible, inclusive approach across our schools and our own nursery and primary provision, ensuring that a bespoke curriculum and educational experience is suited to each of our learners. Hamilton School for the Deaf has a British Sign Language Tutor and we offer BSL lessons across our school community. Running through both our nursery and primary departments is an emphasis on Communication, Language and Literacy; the foundation stones for the effective education of children who are deaf. Our Teachers of Deaf Children and Young People have the mandatory qualification, with specialist skills in language development. This is incorporated into all learning, whatever the subject. We work collaboratively with specialist Speech and Language therapists and undertake assessments of pupils’ needs to create individualised targets for each child. This, combined with our attention to children’s audiological needs and our expertise in British Sign Language, is brought together in a Total Communication approach. We are creative in our approach to delivering a Curriculum for Excellence as we understand the benefits of teaching in real world contexts. We are proactive in seeking opportunities beyond the classroom to enrich our learners’ experiences and to further develop their understanding of the world in which they live.
Our Outreach Department work in partnership with children and young people who are deaf, their families, educational establishments and other supportive agencies such as Educational Psychologist, Speech and Language Therapists and Audiology to name a few. Teachers of Deaf Children and Young People work collegiately to co-create, deliver and review specific targets for each child or young person. . Our Teachers of Deaf Children and Young People have the mandatory qualification, with specialist skills in language development. Specialist assessments of pupils’ needs, along with other information gathered will provide a holistic profile of each child/young person to allow us to design and deliver appropriate intervention. Each new assessment is assigned support from a Teacher of Deaf Children and Young People, this may be weekly, termly or annually and is reviewed on a regular basis. We provide bespoke support during times of transition and work closely with all involved to ensure transitions are as smooth as possible. We are passionate about Deaf Awareness and have delivered training across South Lanarkshire and beyond to improve outcomes for deaf learners.
I hope you enjoy looking through our website and that it conveys the friendly, supportive approach we have to ensuring excellence. We understand the need to ‘see it in action’ We warmly welcome parents and carers to visit by making an appointment with the school office. It will be our pleasure to discuss what Hamilton School for the Deaf can offer and we look forward to meeting you.